Search for Treasure at Nosterfield
If you venture out into Nosterfield Nature Reserve and Quarry you’ll find treasure hidden in the landscape with a series of 12 geocaches to discover.
All the caches are associated with the footpath network at both sites and cachers should not cross/climb into fenced or restricted areas.
The caches are arranged in two groups. The NQ series are hidden around Nosterfield Quarry (7) and the NNR series are hidden around the Nosterfield Nature Reserve (5) for visitors to discover. Both reserves are close to each other and can be visited in the same day.
Geocaching is a global electronic treasure hunt. It started in the USA in 2000 and there are now millions of geocaches hidden all over the world and millions of geocachers searching for them. Details of the co-ordinates of each and every geocache are published on the www. website. Once you have their co-ordinates you can go out and search for them either using a dedicated GPS (Global Positioning System) device or you can download apps for your phone. You can keep track of all your finds on the website, as well as joining in with geocache events and other geocachers, if you wish.
The geocaches at Nosterfield are hidden in a range of quirky containers designed to be in keeping with the natural surroundings of these beautiful nature reserves. They will also give you a little bit of a challenge and fun to find them. They are spread around each of the sites so that you can experience the full range of environments and habitats as well as the variety of wildlife, whilst you are treasure hunting. They are accessible all year around so you can experience the seasons as they change too.
You can log your adventures and finds on the geocaching website but remember to not give away too many hints in your logs so that the cachers after you can have the fun of the chase too!
To get started visit and let your adventures begin.
Happy caching!