January birdwatching round up
Twite, Merlin, Hawfinch & an extrovert Tawny Owl were among this month’s highlights - thanks to Andy Hanby for his comprehensive January bird report.

December birdwatching round up
December was a goosetastic month featuring plenty of Pink Feet as well as Eurasian White-fronted Geese and a Barnacle Goose. Other highlights included Green Sandpiper, Bar-tailed Godwit, Pomarine Skua and the return of the Oystercatchers! Read on to find out more!

November birdwatching round up
Large flocks of Golden Plover, good numbers of Tree Sparrows and Teal, and sightings of Crossbill and Merlin provided the highlights for a mostly gloomy November!

October birdwatching round up
October did not disappoint! The month brought us some great bird sightings including Spotted Redshank, Rock Pipit, Bittern, Little Gull, Common Scotor and Grey Phalarope to name but a few!

The Fungi of Nosterfield Nature Reserve
Fungi are incredibly important to the functioning of almost all ecosystems on earth. They are neither plant nor animal and come in a fantastic array of different shapes. Read more about some of the fungi of Nosterfield Nature Reserve here.

Star Plants of Nosterfield Nature Reserve
Nosterfield Nature Reserve supports hundreds of vascular plant species (wild flowers, grasses and allies, and ferns).
Find out more about the rare plant species found naturally on our reserves as well as the ones we are saving from local extinction in our plant nursery and habitat restoration projects.

September birdwatching round up
September brought in good migrant waders, including several curlew sandpipers, little stint, wood sandpiper, bar-tailed godwits and grey plover. The first influx of pink-footed geese hails the beginning of autumn.

August birdwatching round up
August brought us two ringed Great White Egrets all the way from Somerset, a stunning male Common Scotor and a calling Corncrake!

July birdwatching round up
An exciting second half of July more than made up for a slow start. Great White Egret, Common Scoter, Little Gull, Wood Warbler & Yellow-Legged Gull feature in this month’s highlights!

June birdwatching round up
Avocet chicks, a rare Willow Tit sighting and a possible first breeding pair of Meadow Pipits feature in June’s birdwatching highlights. We also see the very beginnings of the autumn wader passage.