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LUCT Open Day

Come and find out about the work of the Lower Ure Conservation Trust, a charity dedicated to the restoration of sand and gravel quarries to wildlife-rich habitats.

Our varied events programme will give you an insight into how our team of volunteers monitor species as well as offering you a guided tour of the wetlands nursery, where some 75,000 plants have been propagated for groundbreaking fen creation work. In the afternoon, explore the historic landscape with a tour of Thornborough henges.

You can find our programme of events for the day below. Please note: some events such as moth trapping and bird ringing are weather dependent, so alternative activities will be offered in the event of adverse weather conditions.

Open day programme of events:

9am: Arrive at Nosterfield Quarry Visitor Centre car park (Nosterfield Quarry, Flask Lane, Well, Bedale, DL8 2QZ. What3words: deliver.chuck.reject) Transport to nursery area provided.

9.15am: Moth trapping with Jill Warwick and Charlie Fletcher, Yorkshire County Moth Recorder

10.00am: Tour of the wetlands nursery and fen creation area with LUCT Ecologist Martin Hammond

11.30am: Refreshments and bird ringing with Jill Warwick and the British Trust for Ornithology

12.30pm: Lunch (please bring a packed lunch. Hot drinks will be provided)

1.45pm: LUCT staff transport visitors to Thornborough Henges

2pm: Tour of central and southern henge (appproximately 1.5 hours)

Approx 3.45pm: return to Quarry Visitor Centre car park

Please bring a packed lunch. We will be outdoors for most of the day, so please wear appropriate clothing and bring a waterproof and sturdy footwear.

To book your place:

Please book on Eventbrite using the link below,. Spaces are limited so book early to avoid disappointment:

4 May

Dawn Chorus Walk

2 June

Butterfly Walk