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Bat Walk

About this event

Use hand-held bat detectors to hear and identify species such as Common Pipistelle, Sopranos and Noctules over the water and around Flasks and Kiln Lake with the guidance of local bat expert David Watkins. We will also have the opportunity to watch bats using thermal imaging technology.

This event is likely to continue until around midnight.

Please be aware that this event is weather dependent; we will update you before lunchtime on 6 July if we will need to cancel the event due to weather conditions.

What you will need

Please bring plenty of layers to keep warm as it gets later into the evening

Wear sturdy footwear

Please bring a torch with spare batteries if necessary (this is important for getting to and from the event but will need to be switched off during the event)

Where to meet

Please meet at the causeway between Kiln and Flasks Lake (shown on the map below) at 8.30pm

Parking can be found at the Quarry Visitors' Centre car park shown on the map*. For car park location, please use What3Words: deliver.chuck.reject

*Allow 20 minutes to walk from the Quarry Visitors' Centre car park to the causeway

Click on the link below to book your free ticket:

29 June

Dragonflies on Flasks Fen

13 July

July Community Work Day